Bobcat Telehandlers Key for Colours of Ostrava Festival


For many years, Bobcat telehandlers have been gaining popularity in fields such as construction, agriculture, waste management and elsewhere. For many companies, they are invaluable tools when handling materials. This was ably demonstrated in the key role they played in the preparation of one of the biggest music festivals in the Czech Republic – the legendary Colours of Ostrava.

Five Bobcat telehandlers from the largest T40.180SLP and T36.120SL models to the smaller TL38.70HF and two TL35.70HF machines helped ‘on the set’ during the build-up to the festival. A Bobcat S590 skid-steer loader also assisted in smaller tasks on the ground. An integral part of the work of telehandlers involved the use of specialized attachments such as a work platform.

Bobcat Handlers Save Time and Money

“I have been using Bobcat products in the construction of festivals for 10 years now,” says Josef Ženíšek, Technical Director of Colours of Ostrava. “We primarily use Bobcat telehandlers, mainly for their multi-purpose use, range of attachments, off-road mobility and high load capacity.”

“We often use them in combination with a work platform, because it has the advantage of a high load capacity compared to standard height platforms. So we can install more lights in one go, which means a big saving in time and costs. There are days during the preparation of the festival when the machines do not stop and drive around the entire area the whole time. But we actively use them during the programme itself as well, when we deliver the technical equipment for the bands direct to the individual stages,” adds Ženíšek.


As part of the often hectic preparations for the festival, Bobcat machines are used by a number of different staff. The operators praise the machines. They often have the opportunity to try something new – in this case they provide valuable feedback back to the company’s headquarters (Doosan Bobcat EMEA is based in Dobříš in central Bohemia, where it has a production plant, an innovation center for development, the headquarters for the EMEA region and where training for customers also takes place). The telehandlers can handle a number of tasks, including, for example, the aforementioned transportation of equipment for bands, installation of lights and decorations, general handling of materials during construction, and transportation of concrete blocks for use as part of temporary structures. The S590 loader is primarily used for landscaping around the site.

The new R-Series Telehandlers from Bobcat

As part of the festival, the Bobcat machines included the latest models from the company’s new R-Series range, providing the most modern technology that the company launched on the market only last year. These are fully proven products, which Bobcat manufactures in France. They offer a range of lifting heights from 6 to 18 m with maximum lift capacities from 2.5 to 4.1 tonne, and Bobcat promises to double its market share through this new range. With a newly configured drivetrain, the new models enable smoother execution of the most difficult tasks at height with surgical precision. Thanks to the combination of the boom positioning system, the state-of-the-art high-precision joystick, the inching function for precise movements and better visibility from the cab, working at height has never been easier.

Colours of Ostrava in numbers:

• 113 bands (66 foreign, 47 Czech)

• 7 theatre companies, 10 films, 26 programmes for children

• 250 presenters on the Meltingpot discussion forum

• 240 food stalls

• 80 beverage tents

• 13 km of fences

• Six Bobcat machines

Colours of Ostrava is a multi-genre international music festival held annually in Ostrava since 2002. Since 2012, it has been held in the breathtaking surroundings of Dolní Vítkovice – the former site of smelters, mines and iron works. The most recent, its 19th year, offered over 350 programme items on 19 open and covered stages – concerts, discussions, theatres, films, workshops and art activities. The headliners were The Killers, Twenty One Pilots, Martin Garrix, LP, Franz Ferdinand, along with many other performers.

For more information about Bobcat and Bobcat products, visit the website

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